You are my knight in shinning armor. You shield protects you and I
against the violent corrupt greedy hate
that fuels the haters of the word.
Your shield is cast in solid gold.
A precious metal
As shiny element.
Pure and organic
Like your heart and mind
Honest and true
Loyal and blue
Sparkling in the moonlight
Shinning bright at the bottom of the sea.
I gaze up at you and in the night sky.
I point my love finger at you and
Your shield
I point and say
that is my knight in shinning armor
Solid GOLD, not steel
Gold is precious
Steal in worthless
Gold is sensitive,
You scratch it, it leaves a mark
A trace, a mistake, a lesson learned
A cut a scrape, a scar, a memory.
Steel is strong, it scares away the
Truth, it is the cornerstone
And literal founadtion of corrupt B.S,
Lies, greed, weapons, death war, loss,
waste and the lack of justice in our criminal system.
You are the ring on my finger.
I carry you everywhere; on my finger.
In my heart, mind body and soul You run through my veins like liquid gold.
Easily penetrated; hurt scsared abused.
We fall victim to hate because we are gold.
We have a golden past
Golden present and
Golden future.
That is what is real
It is expensive
It is genuine
It is a natural element
It is not fool's gold or steel
Those metals are cheap
Cheap like a lie
Cheap Cheating
A good deal
An affordable skyscrapper,
A nail in Jesus hand,
A rail to transport coal,
The engine in your car,
The wing of a shooting jet,
The bullet in my heart,
The knife that stabbed my back
A can of corn
The loud brass horn
The thing to clip your nails
A clasp on a pets collar
A silver dollar
The bars that locked me in jail
The greyhound bus that left me
Broke and deserted,
A ruler to measure,
Brass knuckles to leave a mark
The tip of an acid dipped dart
A needle to inject
A flame to light the match.